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shoot a gun

美 [ʃuːt ə ɡʌn]英 [ʃuːt ə ɡʌn]
  • 开枪;用枪炮射击
shoot a gunshoot a gun
  1. You asked her to shoot a gun in the floor .


  2. And I said to him , you know , " l have no idea how to shoot a gun , and I have no interest in firearms , whatsoever . "


  3. I know how to shoot a gun , I 'll do that to my kids one day .


  4. He taught Mary how to shoot a gun .


  5. How can you shoot a gun if you don 't have bullets ?


  6. Today we report about Annie Oakley , a woman who became famous for her ability to shoot a gun and hit very small objects .


  7. It was just a lot of physical training , and I had to shoot a gun and zip around on these wires that were six feet high in the air .


  8. For example , you can set fire on the house to burn both the house and me , or you can shoot me with a gun or stab me with a knife , or you can put poison in my food to kill me .


  9. I said , ' I 'll keep dancing even if you shoot at me with a gun ! "


  10. I 'm gonna shoot you with a BB gun when you 're not looking .


  11. If shoot you with a BB gun .
